Providing effective and holistic care for people in pain

Using a dynamic and gentle approach I aim to improve my client’s pain management, movement, and general health.

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Michelle treating a client

Symptoms I work with

Headaches and Neurological Conditions

Traumatic Injuries and Whiplash

Sports Injuries

Back or Neck Pain


Joint or Muscle Pain

TMJ Pain

Digestive Concerns

Women's Health Concerns

And more!

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Do you need manual therapy?

If you are having difficulty moving freely due to pain, reduced range of motion, or decreased strength, you may benefit from working with a manual therapist.

  • Modulate pain
  • Increase joint mobility
  • Induce relaxation
Michelle treating a client
"My goal is to find the root cause of your pain, symptoms, or reduced range of motion so you can get back to the activities you love." Read About Michelle
Profile image of Michelle Coish

My promise to you

Client Centered Care

Tailoring treatments to your individual needs on any given day.

Holistic Treatment

Assessing the body as a whole to find the root cause of your symptoms.

Restore Healing Mechanisms

Removing barriers to your natural healing mechanism for long-lasting effects.

Want to know if we are a good fit before committing?

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My frequently asked questions

Manual therapy is an all-encompassing term for health disciplines that ‘manually’ treat concerns related to the musculoskeletal system (bones and muscles) and styles of treatment vary based on a therapist’s background and training.

My style is influenced by my background in nursing and my current training in osteopathic manual therapy. This discipline is based off four main principles: the interconnected nature of the body, restriction in the structure of the body impacts its ability to function, the flow of the body’s fluids (vascular and lymphatics) is important for the health of tissues, and when barriers and restrictions are removed, the body has an innate healing mechanism in the form of homeostasis or self-regulation.

As a student of osteopathic manual therapy, my current insured scope of practice covers the courses I have already completed as of May 2023, including muscles, fascia, bones, joints, and some internal organ treatments. This level of treatment can be highly effective for most symptoms or concerns that my clients may have.

However, if clients require further treatment outside this scope, I am more than happy to refer them to an osteopathic manual practitioner or other healthcare professionals as necessary.

At this time, sessions with me are not billable through benefits plans, however I charge an affordable rate to compensate.

As the school I am attending is one recognized by Osteopathy BC, once I have completed my osteopathic manual therapy studies (est. Fall 2024) I will be billable through most plans.

This is dependent on your concerns, how many areas of the body are involved, and how long you’ve been experiencing your pain or symptoms.

In general, you should notice an improvement in your symptoms within 3-5 sessions, though after our first session most people feel more relaxed and mobile with improvements lasting a few days to weeks.

My goal is to prevent your concerns from returning so you don’t have to have to perpetually see me every week, month, etc to continue experiencing relief. After getting the pain or other symptoms to a manageable level, some people choose to make appointments for occasional maintenance or only if a new issue presents itself.

Athletic wear or comfortable loose fitting clothing is recommended as treatment involves active movement. We complete the treatment fully clothed, though depending on client comfort, the assessment may involve visualization of the spine.

No jeans please :)

Each session involves discussion of your health history, a thorough head to toe assessment, and treatment of any restricted areas of the body. I’ll assess and treat areas of the body where you’re experiencing symptoms, as well as any areas that might be compensating.

Technique styles performed depend on the client’s concerns, symptoms, and medical history but may include gentle joint mobilization, cranial tension balancing, myofascial release, tender point release, targeted muscle activation, and some visceral (internal organs) techniques.

Upon leaving the session most people feel more relaxed and mobile. It is normal to have some short-term aggravation of symptoms, soreness, or awareness of new discomfort 1-3 days after treatment. If you ever feel like your symptoms are out of the ordinary, I encourage you to contact me.